It’s time to get your life back
If you or someone you love is suffering from endometriosis, you have come to the right place
What it Really Means to Have Endometriosis
For over 25 years…
We’ve been helping women with endometriosis regain their quality of life resulting with minimal or no pain, allowing for the start of a new journey toward actual physical health, happiness and spiritual growth.
A leader in the field with advanced skills in minimally invasive surgery for endometriosis
Dr. Andrew Cook is considered one of the leading endometriosis specialists worldwide, both for his many years of experience and his award-winning surgery and for his comprehensive approach to treating endometriosis and pelvic pain.
Erika’s Story
“It was very surreal, because here I was, putting all my trust into this surgeon.. But I felt something in my gut that said this man can help me and I’m so glad… It completely changed my life. I could get up in the morning. I didn’t have pain… I was finally able to get out be active, and go to the movies with friends and be on cheer squad at school, which I never thought I would be able to do.
“I just want other girls to realize that there is hope. You can regain your life. It’s not a life sentence of pain if you get to the right surgeon…”
Restoring Lives
Dr. Andrew Cook’s medical practice is characterized by the underlying philosophy of treating patients with respect and dignity. At the same time, he uses a comprehensive, open-minded approach with the latest medical technology to provide leading-edge health care to treat disease and achieve health and wellness.
6 Tips for Surviving Endometriosis
These stories from real women will help you take your first steps toward getting your life back.
Endo Blog
“Listen to yourself and fight for what you need to get, and remember there is hope, there is life after endometriosis – it is possible!” -Dr. Cook

Surgical Video: Adhesiolysis – Removal of Adhesions/Scar Tissue
What does it really mean to have endometriosis? Dr. Cook discusses how it impacts a woman’s life, her family, her career, her sex life, and her ability to live her life in very basic ways.
Video: Why Did My Endometriosis Surgery Fail – Part 1
Your Experience Matters Most
We understand what you’ve been going through. Our entire culture is built around providing a level of care you will remember.Our warm, friendly staff will welcome you to our environmentally green office where you’ll receive world-class medical care from a dedicated, multidisciplinary team of health practitioners.

Traveling for Care
Patients travel to Vital Health Endometriosis Centers for surgery from all around the world. Traveling patients have specific requirements that need to be met to ensure optimal care during their stay in Durango and during their ongoing post-operative recovery. At Vital Health Endometriosis Centers, we provide comprehensive care from your first contact with us. If you are an Out-of-Area patient considering surgery, check out our Traveling Guide and Treatment Timeline.
Located in Colorado
Open Monday through Thursday from 9:00am-5:00pm and Friday from 9:00am-2:00pm.
1199 Main Ave., Suite #217, Durango, CO 81301-4158
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Toll Free: (888) 256-7705.
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