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The timeline below provides an overview of all the steps involved for Out-of-Area Patients undergoing surgery at Vital Health’s Endometriosis Specialty Center. We provide comprehensive care from the moment you contact us through the first year following your surgery.

First Contact

  • You request your free record review via the website or by calling the office.
  • We have you fill out the new patient forms and the medical record release.

Free Record Review

  • Vital Health performs a review of your records.
  • Within 2-3 weeks we schedule a phone, Facetime or Skype video call with Vital Health to discuss your case. The call ends with a proposed treatment plan.

Pricing Plan

  • We contact your insurance provider to produce a pricing plan and to determine the extent of your benefits.
  • You are given the treatment plan and payment breakdown of Dr. Cook’s surgical treatment fees* within 2 working days of your free record review.

* Dr. Cook’s surgical treatment fees include the pre-op phone and in-office consultations, surgery, and all post-op phone and in-office consultations relating to surgery up until 1 year following your surgery date.


Pre-op, surgery and post-op appointments are scheduled. The surgery waiting list is 2 months on average (with seasonal variations and exceptions in emergency situations

Pre-op phone consult & labs

  • Pre-op phone consult with our Nurse Practitioner or Physician’s Assistant to discuss everything you and we need to know to ensure that you are ready for surgery.
  • We have you do your pre-op labwork locally for your convenience.

Pre-op office visit

  • In-office consultation with Dr. Cook, pelvic exam, ultrasound, and discussion of the exam findings and answer any questions.
  • Consultation with our Nurse Practitioner or Physician’s Assistant to do pain mapping and discuss pain management (you will receive your prescriptions for post-op pain medications), final surgery preparation instructions, including bowel prep.
  • Optional: Consultation with our nutritionist
  • Sign surgery consent forms.

* During the pre-op phone consult our Nurse Practitioner will go over your medical history, lab test results, medications, perform a full health assessment (FHA), and answer any questions you may have about pre-op preparation. 


  • You arrive at the hospital two hours prior to your allotted surgery time.
  • After your surgery you will remain in hospital overnight for pain management and observation.
  • Provided you are well enough, you will be discharged the day after surgery.

Post-op consult

  • You will see Dr. Cook for your post-op in-office consultation the following week.
  • If you are a traveling patient you will head home after your post-op consult.


  • You will be provided with your pre-op lab results, surgery report, path report, surgical photos and surgical footage on DVD (on request).

Post-op follow-up

  • At 2 weeks post-op you will have a scheduled phone call with our Nurse Practitioner or Physician’s Assistant.
  • You will then have further scheduled follow-up calls with our staff at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months.
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Surgery Timeline
Vital Health's surgery timeline provides comprehensive care from the moment you contact us through your first year following your surgery.