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Author: Vital Health Endometriosis Centers

Treating Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Women with Endometriosis & Other Pelvic Pain Conditions

Treating Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Women with Endometriosis & Other Pelvic Pain Conditions

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Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) is a common condition in women with endometriosis and other pelvic pain conditions and occurs when the muscles that form the pelvic floor have tightened in response to chronic pelvic pain. Even after the original source of pelvic pain has been
What is Adenomyosis?

What is Adenomyosis?

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Adenomyosis is a condition of the uterus in which endometriotic tissue is found within the muscular walls of the uterus. Adenomyosis can be focal or diffuse. Focal adenomyosis also referred to as an adenomyoma, is when a tumorous growth of endometriotic tissue forms inside the
Endometriosis Cure
Does Endometriosis Have a Cure?

Does Endometriosis Have a Cure?

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Endometriosis excision surgery is currently the only proven treatment that reliably and effectively eradicates the disease. Key facts summarized Endometriosis excision surgery is currently the only proven treatment that reliably and effectively eradicates the disease. In the vast majority of patients, excision is a curative