“Every single day I would wake up in excruciating pain. It was like stabbing pain – it was like a hot knife being poked. I just stayed in bed… I couldn’t go to school. I had many MANY trips to the ER trying to figure out what was the cause of this pain. There were times I would wish I just didn’t wake up because I had no reprieve from the pain.”
Erika – a young woman who experienced a traumatic biking accident at age 10 that ruptured her spleen should have been getting better. Instead of getting better her pain persisted. In fact, she was in excruciating pain that went on for years.
This is Erika’s Story – a story of four years of pain and daily challenges, yet persistence in trying to find answers. A story of a mother’s love and tenacity in championing her daughter’s full recovery. A story of how endometriosis can even severely impact young girls.

Vital Health launches The Endo Patient’s Survival Guide
The Endo Patient’s Survival Guide, co-authored by Dr. Andrew Cook, Libby Hopton and Danielle Cook, is the essential patient’s companion to living with and overcoming endometriosis and pelvic pain: from seeking help and getting an initial diagnosis to navigating treatment options and achieving optimal relief and wellness.
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Kelly Heslin joins VHI for Public Health Masters Internship
Kelly M. Heslin, of the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, University of Arizona, joins Vital Health Endometriosis Center this summer to complete the Internship for her Masters in Public Health Degree.
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Dr. Cook featured on CBS News LA
CBS news LA covers the story of Leslie Valladares, a former patient of Dr. Cook who had her life transformed following his specialized endometriosis excision surgery.
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Vital Health wins award for endometriosis surgery
Dr. Andrew Cook and Libby Hopton are awarded the 2014 Carlo Romanini Award for best video on endometriosis.
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Libby Hopton joins Vital Health as Director of Research and Evidence-Based Medicine
For those of you who know Libby, it will be easy to understand why we have been working with her since September 2013 to help her obtain a work visa here in the United States and join Vital Health Endometriosis Center…
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