Dr. Cook operates on some of the most advanced cases of endometriosis and other complex pelvic conditions.
When a patient has advanced invasive endometriosis, extensive adhesions and/or other complex gynecological conditions she may find it difficult to find a physician who is sufficiently experienced to successfully take on her case. She may have even been told by one or more of her previous doctors that there is sadly nothing that can be done because her case is simply “too complex”, “too dangerous to treat” or outright “inoperable”. Understandably such news can leave a patient feeling deeply discouraged about ever regaining her health and she may, in turn, feel wary about seeking out a second or third opinion through fear of further disappointment.
At Vital Health we do not turn away patients no matter how complex or severe their condition. Dr. Cook operates on some of the most advanced cases of endometriosis and other complex pelvic conditions. He treats the patients that other specialists have turned away. This is testimony of Dr. Cook’s open-mindedness in the face of complexity and the dedication and compassion with which he approaches each and every woman who comes to him for help.
If you have specific concerns about the complexity of your case and what your best treatment options are, please get in touch with us directly or request a free record review consult to have Dr. Cook go over your records and discuss with you your treatment options.
Our five-year doctor-patient relationship started with my having endometriosis that no doctor in Los Angeles wanted to help me with due to the complexity of my issue: I was a high-risk surgery and the complications that could have arisen, were unthinkable. Dr. Cook’s courage, confidence, and determination to help me, paid off. I am now 5 years endo free!