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Tag: Endometriosis

What is Hormone Therapy and Should it be Used to Treat Endometriosis?

What is Hormone Therapy and Should it be Used to Treat Endometriosis?

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The typical medical treatment for endometriosis provided by most OBGYNs consists of manipulating a woman’s hormones, primarily her estrogen and/or progesterone levels. The rationale behind this treatment is that estrogen tends to stimulate the growth of endometriosis and progesterone is believed to balance or stabilize
Libby Hopton Moves to the United States and Joins VHI as Director of the Department of Research & Evidence Based Medicine

Libby Hopton Moves to the United States and Joins VHI as Director of the Department of Research & Evidence Based Medicine

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It’s a great privilege to be a part of such a dedicated team of professionals. I’m excited at the unique opportunity that Vital Health has to offer with regard to research within the field of endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain. For those of you who
Endometriosis Cure
Does Endometriosis Have a Cure?

Does Endometriosis Have a Cure?

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Endometriosis excision surgery is currently the only proven treatment that reliably and effectively eradicates the disease. Key facts summarized Endometriosis excision surgery is currently the only proven treatment that reliably and effectively eradicates the disease. In the vast majority of patients, excision is a curative