Vital Health is dedicated to helping patients obtain a better quality of life while devoting resources to examining the many facets of pelvic pain. Through our Research & Education Program, we are advancing our understanding of endometriosis and other pelvic pain conditions, in an effort to improve the lives of future generations of women.
Goals of the research program:
- Maintaining, further developing and conducting research on our ongoing patient database, and collecting data for future research.
- Publishing our clinical data in the scientific literature to help support both patients and professionals in accessing and providing optimal surgical treatments for endometriosis.
- Providing outreach to other professionals who are interested in developing and deepening their knowledge about endometriosis and other pelvic pain conditions.
- Collaborating with and supplementing other research programs.
- Working toward a more effective endometriosis classification system and helping to develop an accreditation system for the recognition of advanced endometriosis excision surgery.
- Providing accurate educational resources to patients to promote patient informed consent about the optimal treatments for endometriosis and other pelvic pain disorders.
Find out more about our research and educational resources.
How can you help?
If you are a patient at Vital Health and would like to assist us in one of our research studies, please get in touch with Libby Hopton our program director.